Meet Current UNC MPA Student Chris Bouzane

Written by Cara Robinson

Tell us about yourself, and what are your motivations for getting your MPA at UNC?

My name is Chris Bouzane, I’m originally from Peabody, Massachusetts but was raised in Wake County. I graduated from UNC-Greensboro in 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts in History and Political Science. I was motivated to pursue an MPA because of a professor I had in my last semester at UNCG who introduced me to the field of public adminstration. When searching for a program right for me, I reached out to mentors from undergrad and work; the common thread between them all was UNC-CH so it was a natural fit to follow in their footsteps.

What are your future career goals?

I am what our program calls a “Generalist”. When thinking about my future, I’ve always seen myself working within the public sector. Truthfully, I’m not too sure where exactly that means. I’ve worked in State Government and enjoyed it immensely. This program tailors us for towards local government but also provides us with a breadth of knowledge and expertise in local and non-profit. That was a strong factor towards enrolling in the UNC MPA program for me. Regardless, I hope to work in a role that tackles tough challenges and yields the greatest public good.

What is your favorite course this semester? Are there any projects/topics you are looking forward to this semester?

Last semester my favorite course was “Law for Public Administration” due to our professor (shoutout Szypszak) and the course material we covered. Although it’s very early in our semester, I’ve really enjoyed Public Budgeting and Finance. It’s a bit out of my comfort zone but I know it’s a course that will equip me with the necessary skills for moving forward in life.

What has surprised you most since the start of the program?

What surprised me the most since the start of the program is just how close our cohort has gotten. I truly think it’s the program’s greatest strength. It’s nice going through the exact same classes with everybody in our first year; and has allowed me to develop lasting friendships.

Is there any advice you would give to someone thinking about attending graduate school?

Be certain that you want to get a graduate degree. Maintain a healthy work-life-study balance. Explore every single interest that you have. Enjoy the time that you’ll spend in your program. Eat healthy.

Who is this program for?

I’d say this program is for anyone who is passionate and motivated by public service. Although this program has a strong focus on local government, public service comes in all shapes and sizes. A common thread among everyone in the program is our dedication towards building a better future grounded in good government.

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