Master of Public Administration Program
School of Government
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Knapp-Sanders Building
Campus Box 3330
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3330

Cara Robinson

Director of Admissions, MPA Program

Phone: 919.962.1181
Fax: 919.962.0654

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map location

Knapp-Sanders Building, UNC-Chapel Hill
GPS Address: 400 South Road, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

The Knapp-Sanders Building is located at the intersection of South Road and Country Club Road. (Note: Raleigh Road becomes South Road at this intersection.)

Visitor Information

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driving directions from the west

Take I-40 East/I-85 North toward Raleigh and Durham. When the road splits, follow I-40 East toward Raleigh. From I-40 East, take Exit 273 (Highway 54 West) and turn right at the top of the ramp. From this point, it is 3.4 miles to the School of Government. Continue on Highway 54 West toward the UNC campus, passing the Friday Center on the left. Continue under the overpass for Highway 15-501. Continue up the hill and through the intersection with Country Club Road. After crossing Country Club Road, immediately turn left into the School of Government’s gated parking deck.

driving directions from the east

From I-40 West, take Exit 273 (Highway 54 West toward Chapel Hill) and merge right at the top of the ramp. From this point, it is 3.4 miles to the School of Government. Continue on Highway 54 West toward the UNC campus, passing the Friday Center on the left. Continue under the overpass for Highway 15-501. Continue up the hill and through the intersection with Country Club Road. After crossing Country Club Road, immediately turn left into the School of Government’s gated parking deck.

parking information

To enter the top level of the parking deck, use the key code that was sent to you in advance, or press the intercom call button to speak to the School’s receptionist. Once you park and enter the building, please go to the reception desk (second floor) and request a visitor parking permit. This permit must be displayed on the dashboard of your car the entire time you are visiting the School of Government. Additional parking is available at the UNC Visitors lot on Highway 54 just east (downhill) of the School and the Country Club Road intersection.