“Private support makes a critical difference in our ability to provide the best educational opportunities for the students who are our future public service leaders. Thank you for considering a gift to support our students and the work of our faculty.”
Use our secure website to make a one-time or become a Club ‘66 member by making a monthly contribution. To make a recurring gift, enter the desired monthly amount as the gift amount, and at the final step, select “recurring gift” in the drop-down menu in the “frequency” section.
Mail a check to:
School of Government
UNC MPA, c/o Brandon Foster
400 South Road
Knapp Sanders Building – CB 3330
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3330
Please include the name of the specific fund you wish to support in the memo line.
Non-cash gifts can take a variety of forms including stocks, bonds, real estate, and other kinds of property. If you are interested in making a gift of securities, please reach out to Brandon Foster at foster@sog.unc.edu or 919-962-0426.
From bequests to life income gifts, there are many ways to tailor a gift that best fits your circumstances. Consider the best assets to make a planned gift:
For assistance with or questions regarding planned giving, the gift vehicles listed above, and others, please contact Elizabeth Ayers, Executive Director of Gift Planning at eayers@email.unc.edu or at 919-843-5289.
Many employers offer matching gift programs that will double or triple your contribution to the UNC MPA program. Please contact your benefits office for more information.
When completing your matching gift form, please use UNC’s tax ID # 56-6001393 so gifts processing can track receipt of your matching gift. The matching funds will go toward the same designation as your initial gift.
The MPA General Fund provides a broad range of support, allowing for the greatest flexibility to meet the program’s most pressing needs.
With more than 20 UNC MPA scholarship endowments, scholarships are integral to recruiting the highest caliber students and ensuring they are able to focus on their education rather than how they will pay for it. Scholarships are offered at the time of admission and go directly to support tuition reduction.
The A. John Vogt Scholarship is awarded to an academically exceptional student who demonstrates a commitment to the study of public administration. The Scholarship honors Vogt’s 30-year career on the faculty of the School of Government and his contributions to the study of public finance.
The Betsy Ross Howe Stafford Scholarship is awarded to a student who demonstrates an interest in a career in local government administration. Stafford graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill and had a distinguished career in federal government administration.
The Ronald Aycock Public Administration Scholarship is awarded annually to an academically outstanding student who demonstrates a commitment to the study of public service. The scholarship honors Aycock’s more than 30 years of dedicated public service to county governments in North Carolina.
The David N. Ammons Scholarship is awarded bi-annually to a MPA student who intends to pursue a career in local government. This scholarship was established by friends, colleagues, and former students to honor David N. Ammons’s legacy of service to the UNC MPA Program, the School of Government, and North Carolina.
The Diversity in Public Service Scholarship is awarded annually to an entering student or students who contribute to and enrich the program’s diversity. It can also be used to support diversity programming by the school. The scholarship was created in 2005 by MPA alumnus James Howerton and is supported by MPA alumni, faculty, and friends.
The Rothwell Scholarship, endowed by MPA alumni Sharon and A. Douglas Rothwell, is a premier MPA scholarship and is awarded annually to an academically outstanding student.
The J. Edward Kitchen Scholarship provides support to an academically outstanding MPA student. The scholarship was established by the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro to honor Ed Kitchen, an alumnus and the former city manager of Greensboro, North Carolina.
The Flo Miller Leader in Public Service Diversity Scholarship is awarded annually to a MPA student or students who express interest in pursuing a career in public service and enhance the social, economic, and cultural diversity of the cohort. This scholarship honors Flo Miller’s career and commitment to the UNC MPA program, local government, and public service.
The Gordon Whitaker Scholarship is awarded to a second-year MPA student with an excellent academic record. The scholarship was created to honor Professor Whitaker’s outstanding 39-year career in public service.
The Hayman-Howard-Wright Scholarship is awarded to academically excellent students pursuing a career in public service. The scholarship funds may also be used to enhance student experiences during the program.
The J. Thomas Lundy Leadership in Public Service Scholarship is awarded to an academically outstanding MPA student with a demonstrated desire to pursue a career in local government. This scholarship was created to honor Lundy’s distinguished career as manager in Catawba County and his belief in the program’s mission of preparing future public service leaders.
The James L. Westbrook Jr. and Ashley Westbrook Turton Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to an MPA student who is interested in a career in local, state, or federal government. The scholarship honors the lives and accomplishments of the late James L. Westbrook and his daughter Ashley Turton.
The Jean D. Coble Scholarship is awarded annually to an entering MPA student. The scholarship honors Coble’s 18 years of dedicated service as manager of the MPA program.
The MPA Class of ’74 Scholarship is awarded annually to an academically distinguished MPA student who aspires to enter or continue a career in local government. The Class of ’74 comprises exceptional leaders and successful individuals with careers in all areas of public service.
The North Carolina Local Government Scholarship is awarded annually to a second-year MPA student who intends to pursue a career in local government. Edward A. Wyatt endowed the scholarship in 2005, following a distinguished career in local government.
The Paul Wager Scholarship is awarded to an MPA student with an exceptional academic record. The scholarship was established by UNC School of Government faculty member Donald Hayman to honor fellow faculty member Paul Wager.
The Robert House Scholarship is awarded to a student who demonstrates a desire to pursue a career in local government. The scholarship is made possible by gifts in memory of G. Robert “Bob” House, who had a distinguished career in local government in North Carolina and Virginia.
The Robert W. Bradshaw Jr. Public Administration Fellowship is awarded to an academically outstanding MPA student with a demonstrated desire to pursue a career in public service. The scholarship honors Bradshaw, a mentor and advisor to many local government officials throughout his career.
The Richard Y. Stevens Scholarship is awarded annually to an academically distinguished MPA student who aspires to enter or continue a career in local or state government. After graduating from the UNC MPA program in 1978, Stevens went on to a long and distinguished career in public service, including serving five terms as a North Carolina state senator.
The Wally Hill Scholarship is awarded to a student who has demonstrated academic excellence in their studies. The scholarship was established by UNC MPA alumnus Wally Hill ‘79 to encourage academically gifted students to pursue an education and career in local government management.
The Nanette V. Mengel Scholarship is awarded to several academically outstanding MPA students each year. Mengel taught the communications class in the MPA program for 23 years, along with classes in many other departments at UNC-Chapel Hill. The scholarship was established by her family to honor and celebrate her life and work.
The Preyer Family Scholarship is awarded to several academically exceptional students who demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in nonprofit management. The scholarship is supported and maintained by the L. Richard Preyer family.
The Master of Public Administration Online Student Support Endowment supports MPA@UNC students committed to public service leadership. The endowment was created by MPA@UNC alumnus Mike Silver ‘15, who, as one of the first MPA@UNC graduates, saw a need for establishing a fund designated to support students of the online format of the program.
The MPA Public Service Enrichment Endowment is used to support co-curricular experiences for students, such as travel, research, or recreation.
The purpose of the Student Emergency Fund is to assist MPA students facing unanticipated expenses that create an immediate financial hardship.