MPA Matters
December 12, 2024 Cara Robinson
Jenny Heckscher is the director of innovation programs for the Center for Innovation Strategies at The Ohio State...
May 6, 2024 Cara Robinson
This post was written by first year student, Julia Warren. My experience this first year was incredible to say the...
August 9, 2021 UNC MPA
This year, in 2021, I was so thankful to have taken the leap to apply and be selected as one of two scholarship...
August 10, 2020 UNC MPA
On Day 1, the public forum, things went forward nearly seamlessly in our virtual environment. SOG faculty and staff...
November 15, 2019 UNC MPA
Given the recent challenges across the United States with confederate statues, building names, and town names, public...
September 3, 2019 UNC MPA
Welcome back!!! As I mentioned in my previous post, I am taking on a new role this year! I will be working with our...
September 3, 2018 UNC MPA
I sat in on a recent session with Professor Kim Nelson talking about what it takes to be a successful graduate...
August 1, 2018 UNC MPA
MPA Matters seeks to explore and explain all the current happenings and pursuits of those interested in public...