Program Director Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project“It’s definitely helping me be better in my current role, whether it’s program-related, policy, or advocacy. But beyond that, this MPA is valuable in that it really has helped prepare me for anything that comes my way in this constantly changing space in the public sector.”
Founder & Media Relations/Mental Health Programs Manager A Beautiful Mind Foundation & Hyattsville (MD) Police Department“If you truly want to be a public servant and make a positive change, an MPA will give you the know-how to lead not just effectively, but ethically and equitably too.”
Chief Operating OfficerPartners in PROMISE“Military spouses are extremely capable, but our lifestyle makes it difficult to seize career opportunities,” she said. “We have a unique ability to pivot quickly based on our circumstances, and this skillset is transferable to professional life.”
Project ManagerWake Forest University Human Resources“The MPA program teaches you about inter-sector relationships, systems, and encourages you to “ask the second question” to reach real solutions.”
Senior ManagerNeighborWorks America“The Carolina MPA program emphasized all of the skills that are critical to my daily work as I manage complex, team-focused projects and a budget of close to $70 million.”
System Director for Strategic Change UNC HealthThe UNC MPA program has helped me grow as a public service leader, connecting theory and concepts to real-world application and strategy. As a leader in change management, so much of the MPA program centers around leading teams and people through change, particularly in the public sector where we work to address our most wicked challenges. Working in a public health organization through the global pandemic while taking MPA courses was an unparalleled experience of truly bridging real-world leadership challenges with course content on a weekly basis.
Executive DirectorGovernment Finance Officers Association“As a Carolina MPA, you have a broad support network that wants you to succeed, to find a good job, to experience a meaningful career, and to make a real difference in our communities and in the world. When I look back at critical points in my career, in nearly every instance an MPA connection faculty, staff, or fellow alumni made the difference.”
Executive DirectorLead For North Carolina, UNC School of Government“The UNC MPA Program gave me the tools, network, and skills we needed to co-create and launch Lead for North Carolina. This is where I first studied the silver tsunami and human capital pipeline concerns in public management.”
Executive DirectorRebuilding Together of the Triangle “The breadth of this degree is amazing. It prepares folks to do a lot of different things, and this is really interesting and distinctive especially for a career in the public sector.”