Our dual Masters degree programs offer students the opportunity to earn two graduate degrees in distinct but complementary fields, expanding their career opportunities. 

A Master of Public Administration is a broad-based, versatile degree that pairs well with many specialized graduate programs, providing leadership skills and a deep knowledge of the public sector.

Available Dual Masters Programs

  • Master of Public Administration and Master of City and Regional Planning (MPA/MCRP)
  • Master of Public Administration and Juris Doctor (MPA/JD)
  • Social IconMaster of Public Administration and Master of Social Work (MPA/MSW)
  • Master of Public Administration and Information and Library Science (MPA/MILS)
  • environment studies iconMaster of Public Administration and BA/BS in Environmental Studies/Sciences

Benefits and Requirements

Our dual-degree options include some course overlap that can help reduce the total time to completion and the number of credits a student must earn to graduate. Dual degrees are available to on-campus students only. Applicants must gain admission to both programs independently through separate applications, and advisors in both degree programs must approve the joint plan. Students may start in either the MPA program or the other academic program. Generally, they must apply to the other degree program within their first year of study at UNC-Chapel Hill.

“I chose the MSW/MPA dual degree to better understand how collaborative relationships between governments and nonprofits can create positive social change. Both programs gave me an understanding of the culture and priorities of each field, as well as specific skills to help me achieve this goal.”

—Lea Efird ’21 Program Coordinator, Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute

Master of Public Administration and Juris Doctor (MPA/JD)

Pursuing a law degree in conjunction with an MPA degree can be a rewarding option for those who want to serve in a leadership role within a government or nonprofit agency. The ability to interpret and practice law, combined with the leadership competencies and deep knowledge of the public sector gained through an MPA, will prepare graduates for professional opportunities in nonprofit, policy, and government settings. The dual-degree program requires four years of coursework, along with a 10-week summer internship.

About the UNC School of Law

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Master of Public Administration and Master of City and Regional Planning (MPA/MCRP)

The MPA/MCRP dual-degree option provides students with two distinct areas of training in public administration and city planning, preparing them for a career related to local government. Students will gain a specialized skill set in city planning combined with the broad-based leadership skills of the MPA. This dual-degree program requires three years of class work, as well as all internship/Professional Work Experience requirements for each program.

About City and Regional Planning at UNC-Chapel Hill

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Master of Public Administration and Master of Social Work (MPA/MSW)

The combined public administration and social work program prepares students for public service leadership roles in human services. Students gain the clinical knowledge of the MSW combined with the leadership and management skills of the MPA. The dual-degree program requires three years of classwork, as well as field placement and Professional Work Experience requirements of both programs.

About the UNC School of Social Work

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Master of Public Administration and Information and Library Science (MPA/MILS)

The MPA/MSIS and MPA/MSLS dual-degree programs prepare students for the varied and complex information management issues they will encounter in a public sector career. 

About the UNC School of Information and Library Science

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Master of Public Administration and BA/BS in Environmental Studies/Sciences 

The UNC MPA program partners with the UNC Environment, Energy, and Ecology program to offer a dual bachelor/master program. Together, these programs prepare graduates to pursue a career in environmental-related public administration. Eligible students are undergraduates at UNC-Chapel Hill in Environmental Studies (BA) or Environmental Sciences (BS). Students ideally begin taking MPA courses during their junior or senior year. 

About the Environment, Ecology, and Energy Program

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